Welcome to Ghana Business Hub
The Internet, no doubt has become the fastest and most convenient means of making ones products and services accessible to consumers both near and far. It has become a requirement driven by consumers, that all kinds of business interests make information on their products and services readily available by the click of a mouse on computer desktops either in the office, at home or/and on the road via their mobile phones, laptops and other handheld devices connected to the Internet.
Bizhubgh.com is an online portal dedicated to advertising, promoting and marketing businesses in Ghana with focus on SME's, Artisans and Professionals who provide everyday consumer-oriented products and services. In otherwords, the portal is your neighborhood everyday-solutions business directory, aimed at eliminating middlemen and fast-tracking business between suppliers of goods and services and their consumers.
Bizhubgh.com is positioned to provide just that service to business interests in Ghana at very negligible annual fees whilst enjoying the corporate advertisement that will be rolled out for the portal on local media and on the internet.